Monday, February 8, 2010

365-31, 32 (manicure), 33 (cake)

This weekend, in celebration of Eaglet 1 turning 13, we held a Rite of Passage Ceremony & Banquet.  My entire family, and my husband's family were all in attendance.  We also had a few significant friends and their families there.
It was a beautiful night.  God did not skimp on the provisions....plenty of food, great location, slide show full of memories, and beautiful decorations.  But the most beautiful part of the night was when her Daddy affirmed her, spoke blessings over her, and prayed for her in front of everyone.  She is blessed.  We are blessed.  (One of my brothers was the official photographer that night, and he has all the pics....I'll post some as soon as I get them)

In preparation for the night, she had a manicure....

And she made the cakes....


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great celebration - love the manicure!

Anonymous said...

sounds like such a beautiful celebration! one she will never forget

Tracy said...

How special!

Jenn said...

Her nails look great. Sounds like a wonderful night and I can't wait to see some pictures. Tell your brother to HURRY UP!! :)

Marice said...

what a lovely hands :) and that cake looks really yummy!

u may view mine here